2 rounds for time:
10 handstand pushups
20 burpees
40 wallball
20 pullups
10 hang power snatch (115/75)

It’s Cool and It’s Cruel and It Has Tequila
Mark your calendars for Thursday, June 19th as Roots, along with some good local friends, puts together one of the biggest summer bashes of 2014. Big that is, until we drop the July Cool Cruel Summer next month…
But about June!
First, WORKOUT It’s a CrossFit benchmark and CLASSIC! – Angie.
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
We are excited and proud to announce that Suerte Tequila is sponsoring the June and July Cool Cruel Summers!
Our very own Roots athletes Lance and Yasmeen Sokol own Suerte Tequila in Boulder and will be on site to personally shake some cocktails post workout. They’ll mix up Paleo Coin Style Margs and a few others! Yasmeen has been putting in some serious time developing a Paleo Marg that is sure to knock your socks off!
Must be 21 or over to get in on the drinks…oh, and you have to do the workout first!
And what could perfectly complete a Paleo Marg? Chicken from Yellowbelly, of course!
Mike and our good friends at Yellowbelly are taking orders now for dinner. CLICK HERE to place you dinner order.
We look forward to seeing you!
Questions? Post to comments.
The picture is awesome.