Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 chest to bar pull-ups
10 wall ball shots (20/14)
15 KB swings (24/16kg)

January Newsletter Link
The January 2013 Newsletter hit email inboxes yesterday. If you missed the info, click here to be up to date!
And check out these great upcoming events and programs including the 2013 CrossFit Open!
January 7th – CrossFit Endurance Pre-Season Training
Don’t let January and February pass you by. Start your spring training with a consistent and focused program that is snow and lack of motivation proof. Click here for program details and sign-up. Three spots left.
January 7th – Olympic Weightlifting Foundations
Gain access to the Olympic Weightlifting classes and Roots Oly Club by taking this 4-session course with our very own Ryan Landis.Click here for Foundations details and sign-up.
January 7th – Women’s Only On Ramp
Want to get started with the Women’s Only Program at Roots? It starts with the Women’s Only On Ramp. Sign-up now on MBO.
January 12 – Pool WOD!
This HUGE hit of a workout is back for Round 2! We’ll see you at the pool on Saturday, January 12th. Join us at 8 or 9 am for an hour workout. Not sure about this? Ask someone in class if they attended the last one!
January 30th – 2013 Registration Opens for the CrossFit Open
Read here for details on this annual event that connects the CrossFit community worldwide. Keep an eye on the blog in the coming weeks for details on the Open!
February 14th – Valentine’s Day Workout
You love CrossFit and you love your spouse! Or is that out of order? Either way, the annual Valentine’s Day Workout is BACK. This event is open to couples who are both members at Roots.
Fiasco? The WOD was fine. It was the next two days that was the fiasco – I could barely walk!
It looks like there are flames coming down in that foto of Wilder climbing the rope.