Don’t forget the Valentine’s Day Couples Workout is this Friday from 5pm to 6pm. Sign-up for childcare at the front desk.
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 double-unders
75/55# power snatches, 15 reps
This is part of your yearly benchmark series. Log your score.
How? Start by taking the Judges Course. It’s an online tutorial and test to make sure you understand the requirements of the job. Basically, it’s making sure you know the proper start and finish to each movement that could be used during the CF Open and how to properly count reps.
Once you pass (you get as many tries as you need) they’ll award you a certificate that you’ll email to me or Stef, or both. We’ll print the certificate, hang it on the front desk, and you can start judging. Every athlete that participates at Roots will need a Judge in order to submit a valid score.
As time gets closer to the first event, Feb. 26th, you’ll receive an email asking what times you can judge for each night of the Open. No worries if you miss a night or two. We need judges during the day as well, and yes, you can still participate in the events if you’re also judging. All the help is very much appreciated and as I said, you all make this thing go down without a hitch.
Email Shane with questions. Have you judged in the past? Post to comments.
Hell yeah I’ve judged in the past, in fact for some reason, I am well-known as a judge. Personally, I think I should be known for my sharp wit and devastatingly good looks, but whatever. Seriously, you should take the course and judge a heat or two. Judge your friend! Judge your S.O.! Then, eat some Yellowbelly chicken! If not for any other reason, do it so you can leave work early on Fridays in March!
I know this sounds stupid, but I’m having trouble passing the double unders part of the judges test. Anyone have advice? I keep miscounting. Good to know I can get a masters degree in engineering and fail crossfit. 😀
Don’t blink?