CrossFit Open 12.1
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
This workout begins from a standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.
Additional Notes
The height of the target must be no less than 6 inches above the Athlete’s fingertips when they are standing, feet together, with a straight line through their wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip and knees. The Athlete should be shrugging their shoulders and reaching as high as possible, while the measurement is being made.
If the Athlete touches with just one hand or misses, they may re-jump to complete the rep without dropping back to the ground. The use of a springy floor is not allowed.
We are excited to announce a new product that we’ll have on-hand at the shop starting today – KillCliff recovery drinks and cold brew coffee.
We’re carrying three of their products; Epic Mojo black unsweetened coffee and two flavors of their recovery drink – Berry Legit and Double Awesomeness.
The recovery drinks have vitamins, enzymes, micronutrients and all that jazz but really, we just think they taste really good! They’re a great alternative to water (15 calories per can) in our efforts to stay hydrated while adding variety to our taste buds.
And then there’s the coffee. Slow brewed for 24 hours and Fair Trade Certified packed in a sweet little to go can.
You’ll find them in their own KillCliff fridge!