Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups

Log Book Pre-Order Starts Today
The official CrossFit Roots Log Book is now available for pre-order at the shop. We think tracking your progress is a vital component to any goal whether it be performance, nutrition, or a combination of the two.
How do I purchase a log book? Simply go here to pre-order your log-book on MBO. Books will arrive on or before October 10th.
Do I have to pre-order? No, but we can’t guarantee we’ll order any extras. If you really want one, go ahead and pre-order it now. Pre-order price is $18.00, $20.00 after pre-order.
Check out the contents of the log books!:
- Daily WOD pages to track each workout (this is the bulk of the book)
- Personal Records section for recording benchmark workouts (they’re all listed!), running and rowing times, and weightlifting maxes
- Paleo/Zone food block list
- Lift percentages table
- Goals worksheet area
- Packed into an 4×5.5 inch spiral bound notebook, 250 pages
- Price: $18.00/log book during pre-order
Do you have a log book? How has it helped your progress? Post to comments.
My log book has helped me SO much. I write down every workout that I do, with the weights, any modifications and my score (time or reps). While it’s true that we don’t often do the same workout twice (with the exception of the benchmarks), it’s also true that certain movements come up time and time again. Your log book is a GREAT place to go to see how much weight (or scaling) you used the last time you did the particular skill. Look at the number of reps in the last WOD versus today’s… is it more? Less? About the same? Did you use bands in the last pull up WOD? How many? How tall was that box jump again? Use what’s there as a guide and to help yourself push harder next time!
You’ll REALLY see progress when you start comparing recent workouts to when you just started…hello motivation!
Although I’m not officially part of the Roots community, I use my log book every day to keep track of food, fish oil, water, sleep, and my workouts. I also like the notes section at the front where I write down what I want to work on during open gym time. What I love the most is the back of the book where I keep track of my progress on everything. I find that section very handy when I am about to do overhead squats and I can’t remember the last time I did those or how much weight I should use or if I’ve made any progress on pull-ups. And, everyone at my California gym covets my Roots log book.
Log books are AWESOME. A must-have for tracking your performance. I feel like we should always be striving for “better than last time”. How will you know what that is if you don’t write it down? Do you remember how you did the last time you did “Jackie?” If you wrote it down you do, and then you have no excuse not to push yourself to destroy your old time! One of the things I like most about my log book though is writing down goals and seeing them in writing every time I open my book, and slowly but surely checking them off and replacing them with new goals. What feels better than a PR? A PR that pushes you past a long-standing goal. Love it.