Happy Monday gang!
Run 5K, broken
2K, 2K, 1K
rest 4:00 and 2:00 minutes respectively between Ks
Subtract 6:00 from total time.
Side note: If you signed up for a class today, saw it was running, and then decided not to come, we will know and we will judge you. Endurance is one of the 10 general skills. Get in here and get excited.
There’s a lot going on this week at Roots. Check it out!
Monday – Start of the Paleo Showdown! If you are participating, remember to have your picture taken this week.
Tuesday – Day 1 of the CrossFit Total. Come in from 6:30am to 9:00pm to earn your numbers.
Wednesday – CrossFit Roots, MBS CrossFit, and CrossFit Verve coaching swap. We are excited for the first coaching swap. Come in for a fun and instructive hour with Matt Chan of CrossFit Verve. This guy lives off of coffee and gum and in exchange for either he just may be willing to offer some unique coaching tips.
Friday – The Ladies Workout. Sign-up on MBO. (Guys Workout the following Friday)
Saturday – Day 2 of the CrossFit Total. Your second chance to come earn your benchmark numbers for 2010!