Masters Qualifier Event 3
Three rounds for time of:
50-calorie row
15 handstand push-ups
50 double-unders

May Free Class and Summer Programs Info Night
Have a friend that is interested in CrossFit? Want you or your child to learn about the CrossFit Kids summer program? Have a teen that’s getting ready for a fall high school sport? Then come check out the May Free Class and Summer Programs Info Night at Roots!
When: Wednesday, May 14th at 6:30pm
We’ll introduce everyone to an age-appropriate workout, talk through the method of CrossFit, give a quick overview of each of the following programs, and open registration:
Women’s Only Program
CrossFit Kids (morning time slot that coincides with Women’s Only and the morning group class)
CrossFit Teens
CrossFit Teens Summer Strength and Conditioning Camp
Sign-up here. Please bring your child or teen to the info session if possible. We’ll have a separate workout for them to try!
For questions about the Info Night, please email Ali at [email protected]
Not to be a whiner, but my arms are tired! I hope there’s a max back squat day coming soon.