3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50-lb. dumbbell squat cleans, 30 reps
30 burpees
In our house, 5-7pm can be a quintessential Leave it Beaver scene or it can be a chaotic, spit-up infested, meltdowns by the moment, fly by the seat of your pants 120 minutes. Because of that, dinner has to be simple. The good news is that this falls easily inline with our Paleo pursuit to eat real food.
Here’s a sample of how we do meal prep for dinners in our house for a week. We eat a lot of same things, which might bore some people, but it works for us:
On Sunday, Eric or I go to the grocery store and buy all of the food for the week (to get us through Friday). We have a standing grocery list that we buy every single week. Yes, we buy the exact same list each week. It’s developed over time and some things have been phased out or in but it makes it so we’re not ever having to make the grocery list before we actually go buy it. It’s very specific, listing an exact number of each item on the list and sometimes brand. As an example, it says 2 pounds deli chicken, 4 avocados, 1 jar Muir Glen tomato sauce.
Sunday we do one of two things – we either cook dinner with the intent of it being a simultaneous meal prep (i.e. lots of food) OR I do meal prep for the week for two hours during the day and then we get take out for dinner. I love my Sunday nights and hate getting the kitchen all messy again once I’ve already done a big clean-up during the day. So we frequent Illegal Pete’s for Paleo dinner:).
Mondays are hectic so dinner is something that was prepped the night before. I hesitate to call it leftovers, more just ready to eat food. As an example, on Sunday we grilled 3 pounds of meat for the week (mostly for lunches and breakfast). On Monday night we had grilled meat with roasted garlic broccoli and potatoes. The broccoli and potatoes took 8 minutes to prep and I roasted them for 15 minutes and 1 hour respectively.
On Tuesdays we plan to grill something. Even when it gets cold out we’ll use the grill, until it snows. I’ll make a hearty salad with roasted sweet potatoes or carrots and we’ll eat that with a flank steak or sausages from the grill. That night we’ll plan meat for the following evening by either marinading or putting something in the sous vide.
Eric usually coaches on Wednesday nights so I most often do something simple since I’m solo. If we did something in the sous vide I’ll have that with leftover vegetables or stir fried veggies of choice.
Thursday is leftovers almost always. By Thursday we have a wide variety of food available and everyone gets what they want. Occasionally, if we didn’t do Illegal Pete’s on the Sunday prior, we’ll do IP’s.
Friday and Saturday
Friday and Saturday we usually go out or make something spur of the moment which is our second trip to the grocery store!
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