Meet a Coach: Get to Know Blaine


Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

Blaine working on his jerk. He usually has a smile on his face, though.

Meet a Coach: Get to Know Blaine

Roots recently welcomed Blaine to the coaching staff. While he is working on learning every Roots athlete’s name, we wanted to give you a chance to get to know him as well. Here is a glimpse into his life outside of Roots.

What does your non-Roots world consist of?

 Outside of Roots, I’m a husband to my wife, Alyssa (also a Roots member), an officer in the United States Air Force, and currently an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies at the University of Colorado-Boulder.  My job in Boulder is a 3 year stint and a break from my “regular” job as a civil engineer.

 What sort of athletic endeavors have you or do you participate in outside of CrossFit?

 I played any sport I could from kindergarten through high school.  In college I played football.  I enjoy training combat sports like wrestling, jujitsu, MMA.  Lately, CrossFit has really taken hold but I try to carve out time to go on hikes, bike rides and snowboarding.

 What is your favorite CrossFit workout? Why? Least Favorite?

I like to lift weights.  I remember being very young and wanting to lift weights but my parents told me no because “it would stunt my growth”.   So I would sneak my dad’s dumbells or even my neighbor’s dad’s weights.  Once I entered 7th grade there was a conditioning class that centered around lifting weights.  I was finally allowed.  I fell in love.  That’s a long winded answer to a simple question-Linda.

 My least favorite is running long distances.  A WOD like “run 10K”.

 What’s the dumbest or most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done at the gym?

I’ve done a lot of dumb or embarrassing things in the gym.  I catch myself singing very loudly or dancing quite often.  I’ve fallen down many times.  At my last gym (Rainier CrossFit in WA), there are parallel pull-up bars.  Although I’d witnessed people do it and even warned them not to, I faced the wrong way on it and dang near split my head open doing kipping pull-ups.

What are your personal performance goals for 2013?
Besides continuing to improve my fitness and general physical preparedness, I’d like to do some work improving my gymnastics skills.  To be able to do a back tuck on command would be amazing.
3 Responses
  1. Geoff

    We should do more bench pressing… which would require some legit benches 🙂 I mean, I like balancing on a hard wooden box as much as the next guy, but real benches would be great!