Don’t forget that this Thursday is Bring a Friend Day!
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 handstand push-ups
20 hip extensions

Meet a Root: Megan Casey
1. Vitals: Megan Casey, joined Roots in November 2014
2. Where were you born/raised? Littleton, CO
3. Married, kids, family? Dating fellow Roots member Nick Woolger, no kids.
4. What do your days consist of? Sitting at a desk doing boring engineering work for most of the day while debating if I should go to CrossFit after work or go to happy hour instead – it’s a constant battle.
5. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit? I like working out in a group with set workouts. I have never been apart of any kind of gym group before so it was easy to just stop working out when the workout started to suck and call it good. At CrossFit though, I feel like I have to finish so I fight through the suckiness thus getting more of a workout than I would if I was dictating the pace myself.
6. What is your least favorite thing about CrossFit? There’s a lot of top notch athletes so sometimes it’s intimidating working out with them and sometimes I get embarrassed when I’m the last one working out. Everyone is really nice though so it makes it a lot easier.
7. Favorite WOD or movement? I like the 1 rep barbell work outs because I can track my progress pretty easily and feel myself getting stronger
8. Lease favorite WOD or movement? Thrusters, burpees, wallballs – I don’t like going up and down a lot.
9. Do you have any goals in CrossFit? I hope to someday do an unassisted pull up, I’ve never been able to do pull ups. Even when I was a kid, I’d always get the presidential fitness award but only because I could substitute the pull ups with hangs.
10. When you’re not CrossFitting, what activities keep you busy? I like to cook, bake, ski and play trivia.
11. How do you make CrossFit a part of your weekly schedule? I use it to fill in the time between work and when Jeopardy is on. Before CrossFit, it was a pretty wasted time slot – unless there was a happy hour going on.
12. Any favorite stories about a CrossFit experience? Funny, comical, happy cool? Some days after a tough workout I’m super sore and stiff and feel like I can’t do anything but I know it’s because I’m getting stronger in the long run, but then I worry about what if the zombie apocalypse happens on one of those sore days and then I can’t outrun the zombies because I’m too broken from working out and then all my CrossFit would be worthless.
Megan you’re awesome. And when the zombie apocalypse dors come hopefully one of us is less sore than the other so we can alternate carrying each other and squishing the zombies with barbells. Boom.
I like this plan – it has great potential!
partner zombie escape carries. I like it!