Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
15 Chest to bar pull-ups
30 second Ring L-sit hold

Meet a Root: Pam Walter
1. Vitals: name & nickname at the shop if you have one on whiteboard, class time most often attended, months/years CrossFitting.
Pam Walter, P-Dub (if Shane is coaching, otherwise Pam), 5:30am, 14 months CrossFitting
2. Favorite WOD or lift (pick one)? Lift – backsquats, for some reason I like them. WOD – I remember liking Chelsea, although I scaled the pull-ups. Maybe it was just a good day.
3. Least favorite WOD or lift (pick one)? Anything with burpees or running (I am so slow).
4. What do you do for work? Project Engineer at Ball Aerospace
5. What’s your background? Played basketball as a child and through high school (stop laughing, I was a point guard at a small school); post high school- running (Pikes Peak marathon round trip twice), weight lifting. Grew up in Colorado Springs, met my husband while working in Guam, moved to Florida to be with him, stayed in Florida ten long years (hated the weather, bugs, traffic, etc) and we came back to Colorado 8 years ago (yea!)
6. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit? I love the coaches and the coaching. For me, coaching is necessary or I lose focus and drive. I also love the interaction with other members. Everyone is so supportive.
7. What is your least favorite thing about CrossFit? I guess the cost but obviously it is worth it!
8. Do you have any goals in CrossFit? I would like to compete in a Masters competition. I still have work to do before I think that is possible. There is one in October that I am shooting for. That is why I joined the competitive group.
9. When you’re not CrossFitting, what activities keep you busy? See #4 and #11
10. Where were you born/raised? Born in Guymon Okla (even more horrible than Florida). Raised in Nashville, Tenn and Colorado Springs, Co
11. Married, kids, family? Married to Dan, a deputy with Boulder County. He works 4 nights a week so I see him when I am leaving to workout. 1 step son, Cory, 27 years old in the army, Cory’s wife Charity, 1 daughter, Angela, 15 who goes to Silver Creek and 1 son, Adam, 12 who goes to Westview Middle school
12. How do you make CrossFit a part of your weekly schedule? I have to get up and go to the 5:30 or 6:30 class or it just doesn’t happen. If I wait until afternoon work and family almost always gets in the way. Thank goodness I am a morning person!
13. Any favorite stories from Roots or a group class? Funny, comical, happy, cool?….a couple of weeks ago I did the WOD with HSPUs and double-unders. I am not very good at either. I worked until time ran out and only got 21 of the 30 HSPUs but so many members stopped and cheered me on. I got so many hugs afterwards. It was really cool. I don’t like being the center of attention but the support was incredibly motivating!
14. Anything you’d like to add? I have never late cancelled because I looked at the workout and didn’t want to do it!!
Thanks for sharing Pam!
Yeah Pam- my Foundations and 5:30 homie!
Hey 5:30 buddy! You rock!!
Pam is awesome.