Hang power clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

Months CrossFitting? 5 Months
Favorite WOD or lift? It’s between Hamburguesa and the one with the 5k but I’ll need to keep it up for a while longer to have a real favorite.
Least favorite WOD or lift? They’re either really good, really hard, or both. I don’t really have a least favorite.
What do you do for work? Software Engineer.
What is your favorite thing about CrossFit? Having an encouraging group of people to work out with.
What is your least favorite thing about CrossFit? The worst (and best) thing about CrossFit is how unpredictable the workouts are.
Do you have any goals in CrossFit? I had not worked out consistently since I was 17 when I started CrossFit. Getting myself to do that was goal enough. Still deciding what my next goal should be.
When you’re not CrossFitting, what activities keep you busy? Work, books, friends.
Where were you born and raised? Born – Rochester, MN. Raised – Columbus, OH.
Married, kids, family? Unmarried.
How do you make CrossFit a part of your weekly schedule? Pick my days on Sunday and go for it w/out checking the workouts ahead of time.
sweet picture!
Surely, I have met you Ryan… but I don’t recognize you in this picture!
Look at that pow!
I love this guy. And I’m happy to vouch for his awesomeness both in the office and out!