Five rounds for time of:
185 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
15 Toes to bar

Meet a Root – Tommy
The Meet a Root series was created to get to know the folks you’re sweating it out next to! Next up, Tommy Lorden!
- Months CrossFitting? 11
- Favorite WOD or lift (pick one)? Yesterdays.
- Least favorite WOD or lift (pick one)? Tomorrows.
- What do you do for work? (career) Managing Broker of Buyers Slice Realty, where “You find the home. I close the deal. We split the commission!”
- What is your favorite thing about CrossFit? Group setting and downtown location.
- What is your least favorite thing about CrossFit? Being reminded I can’t run. (Knee.)
- Do you have any goals in CrossFit? Anything specific you want to accomplish? (muscle up, pull-up, handstand push up, body-weight squat) Body-weight squat
- When you’re not CrossFitting, what activities keep you busy? Fly-fishing!
- Where were you born/raised? Rockford, IL
- Married, kids, family? Katie (5:30am Crossfitter) and I have 2 boys & 2 girls, aged 5-10.
- How do you make CrossFit a part of your weekly schedule? I pencil in my favorite slot (9am) in advance.
- Any favorite stories from Roots or a group class? Funny, comical, happy, cool?….I saw someone look for an “R” or “L” on a dumbbell once.
- Anything you’d like to add? Our 2-party system is broken. Both parties suck.
That bluegill shot looks like it was taken inside. How’d you do that?
Oh wait, there’s a moon…and water.
New gym location is SUH-WEET!!!! can’t wait!!!
Great picture and moment!