As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
6 Squat cleans (135/95lbs)
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
12 Box Jumps (24/20 inches)

No Bands January
How many of you want a dead hang pull-up? A kipping pull-up with no bands? A muscle-up? A strict muscle-up? A bar muscle-up? Hopefully, most of you raised your hands!
For the month of January we are putting the bands away and athletes will use other modes of kipping pull-up development in workouts. Why would we do this to you? Because we care. Many of you have been using bands for quite some time, you’ve dropped a band here and there but we’re not quite getting you to the place you want to be – in no-band land. It’s time to try something new.
The definition is of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We’re going to try something new with pull-ups in workouts and warm-ups and see if we get a different result.
Here’s how it will work:
Strength: The kipping pull-up is one part strength (dead hang pull-up) and one part skill (the kip). In order to get a kipping pull-up athletes need the baseline strength of a few dead hang pull-ups. For the month of January there will be strict pull-up work during EVERY class. If you already have strict pull-ups in large quantities AND you have kipping pull-ups without bands, you will be assigned strict dip, muscle-up, or bar muscle-up work or butterfly kip progression work.
During workouts: During workouts with pull-ups you will have a few different options for pull-ups, but none of which rely on bands.
At the end of the month we’ll retest to see if we achieved stronger pull-ups or kipping with no bands.
What if we want to add bands to our lifts like the deadlift or a squat. Is that an acceptable use of bands ? 🙂
Ha…no, sorry. Once your squat or dead gets up around 500lbs we can start talking bands:).
If I combine my Deadlift and Squat….I am well above….Does that count
i like it!!!
Question about the CrossFit Open meeting on Saturday AM: will the meeting be done in time to do the 7 AM WOD?
no, it won’t.
OK, now I am scared. I can’t do a single no-band pull up! This may be a very painful January.
Yes. So excited for No Bands!!!
Happy Nobands-uary!
The first time I got no band kipping pull ups was in the CO CF Open a few years ago. I did all the WODs that weekend prescribed. Then the last one for the weekend came up with pull ups. I decided to try it even though I was still using 1 band. And guess what…I did all 45 pulls up with no bands! I think this is a great idea. Don’t doubt yourselves!