Behind the Neck Jerk

Oly Meet Recap and Results
Last weekend we concluded the second Oly Club cycle of the year with the Roots Summer Olympic Weightlifting Meet in which 36 athletes showed up to compete – our biggest Oly meet turnout at Roots to date! It was a celebration of weightlifting and was great fun.
Thank you to all athletes who helped, lifted and cheered!
Full meet results here: Men’s Results / Women’s Results
Meet pictures here: Summer Olympic Weightlifting Meet
Here is how the Roots athletes fared:
-Katie Walkden was the Oly Meet series winner for the women. She snatched 70 lbs. and had a strong 105 c&j! Way to go Katie! She will be ready for the State Games in two weeks!
-Jasmine Yap had a big day setting a new contest PR in the clean and jerk with a nice 130lbs. Good job Jazzy!
-Nathan (Hammer) Bolser made a strong showing with a respectable 165 snatch and a great 215 lb c&j.
-Walker Savadge improved on his total and lifted 195 in the snatch and 225 in the c&j. Expect big future totals from Walker!
-Kaitlin Ryan, a competitor in the very first Roots Oly Meet in 2010, came back to compete and lifted a strong 135 in the c&j!
-Marshall Hayes had a good day looking strong with a 175 snatch/205 c&j.
-Jim Mansfield had a great first meet with a 350 total and set the bar high for future competitions.
A big shout out to volunteers Peter Sjostrand, Scott Graham, Hans Swager and Pat Malone for doing a great job of loading barbells. These strong guys loaded and unloaded 216 bars without any misloads, thank you loaders, we couldn’t have done it without you!
Shane Upchurch and Odie judged all attempts with consistency and professionalism- thank you Shane and Odie!
The scoring table was run by Erica Lanier and meet director (and my wife) Lindsay Landis. Awesome job ladies!
Finally, the prize sponsors really outdid themselves with free months of Evol Burritos, Justin’s Nut Butter, fish oil and Rock Tape from Max Muscle Boulder, and superfood from Skoop.
Up next: The 3rd and final Oly Club cycle of 2013 starts August 19th. We will finish the Oly Club cycle with our final meet on November 23rd. For this meet we will have separate men’s and women’s heats and it will be a blast!
Stay tuned and congrats to all the lifters!
I think this is a waaaay more accurate picture of my Oly Meet accomplishments 😉
Love this. I wish you were wearing Zubaz. My fault for lack of follow through on that front, though.