Paleo Showdown Wrap-up

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 clapping push-ups
7 vertical jumps to a marker 3 feet higher than the top of your head
10 jerks, 65/95
200m sprint

The Paleo Showdown has come to a close and the winner is…not yet determined.  Today is the last day to have your exit picture taken.  The judges will determine the winner tonight.

Paleo Showdown Wrap-up

To Paleo or not?  That is the question.  Join us Wednesday, March 10th at 7:00PM for a discussion on how to continue with Paleo beyond the showdown.  We’ll provide cheese, bread, punch, and cookies – SIKE!  Post to comments in you plan to attend.

6 Responses
  1. Nisha

    I definitely want to attend. Weds is tough for me with childcare, so I’ll confirm if I can make it. Thanks for doing this!

  2. I *really* want to hear what you have to say on this topic, but unfortunately, I’ll be in Belize on my honeymoon, rocking the hot bod that Paleo & CrossFit helped me to achieve.

    Will you write a blog post on this topic that I can read when I get back?

  3. Kathy W.

    sorry…take that back. just found out we have a “going away” party for a friend in Denver next wednesday night….. sorry. wish I could be there…..