With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
For starters, you can only build strength in the range that you train it. So if you squat to 1/4 depth only, you’ll become very strong to this depth, but if you ever have to go outside of it, that same strength will not be available. Since we’re training for life, which is infinitely unknown, why not train at the full ranges of our bodies physiological abilities?
Secondly, range of motion is a use it or lose it element, meaning if you don’t use it, then overtime you will lose that ability. It’s just one of the checks our bodies have in place to try and conserve energy. The nice thing is that this process works both ways, so what we once had and have lost can slowly be found again through hard work and consistency.
Lastly, the more functional ROM we can obtain helps to keep us from injury. If we consistently train in the largest ROM possible and continue to try and increase that, it allows us to get away with more slop under less than ideal conditions; I catch a break when I get out of position the slightest because my body has been there before and it knows what to do.
If you’re training for life then ROM should be at the top of your priority list. The benefits are huge and the drawbacks will greatly shorten your CrossFit career as well as make living life to the fullest much harder.
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