2012 Regional WOD 2:
Row 2K
50 pistols alt. legs
30 hang power cleans (225/135)

Regional Schedule of Events Posted
Many folks have asked us the timeline for this weekend including when Nicole will be competing.
The schedule of events is posted here under Regional Event Details. We are not sure of Nicole’s exact heat. We will post is as soon as we know!
Jim & I plan to leave Boulder at 9 if anyone wants a ride. We have room for at least 4. We’re planning on returning after Nicole’s heat and the festivities end.
What day? Saturday?
Sorry – yes, Saturday. For Sat, I have dark blue, purple, and maroon Roots shirts.
Ladies that are coming Saturday, let’s wear our maroon/pink Roots shirts you have it! That’s what Whitney and I decided to wear. Also, Whitney is picking me up at Vics Coffee at 28th and College on Saturday if anybody else wants a ride contact Whitney.
Hey, let’s all wear the same Roots shirts tomorrow (Friday)!!! Which on? I have a Grey, Light Blue and Purple one… Which do we have the most of so we can represent Roots!
I’m coming tomorrow! I have purple, grey, and ROOT UP (bright blue).