30 front squat push jerks for time (135/95)

Roots Team Takes First Place
This weekend was epic! Five athletes formed the Roots team that competed in the MBS CrossFit Turkey Challenge on Saturday in Broomfield – and they took first place!
Congratulations to Ali, Chad, Dizon, Walker, and Nicole!
The 1st Workout
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Plate ground to overhead 45 lb./25 lb.
15 Hand-release pushups
20 Air squats
400 meter plate run with 45/35/25 lb. plate
The first workout was a solid even team effort as every team member contributed 3 rounds to the 15 round score. Ali and Nicole traded back and forth the 25 lb plate as the men took turns with the 35 and 45 pound plates. Kudos to the dudes as their rest was sporadic in order to get a continuous wave of athletes out on the run.
After the first workout, the team found themselves in 3rd place overall.
The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Workouts
The last three workouts overlapped! The 20 minute workout started first, then after 5 minutes, the wall climb workout began, and then the last 10 minutes started the Lego WOD. In short, the team started all on one workout and then finished spread out over three!
As many reps as possible in 20 minutes:
3 Fat-bar deadlift 315 lb.
2 Rope climbs to 15′
6 Fat-bar deadlift 315 lb.
2 Rope climbs to 15′
9 Fat-bar deadlift 315 lb.
2 Rope climbs to 15′
Continue adding 3 deadlifts until time is up.
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
Chest to floor then wall jump 5’/4′
Complete As Many Lego Models as Possible in 15 minutes:
With a certain number of Lego model a set distance away, complete an identical match for as many as you can in the allotted time. The remaining details will be given the day of the event.
The last workout’s success was a product of a lot of great thoughts and planning in the hours before the workout. Each team member helped devise a plan for how to attack the workout over the course of the 20 minutes. The team started off strong on the deadlift/rope climb workout with all five team members. After the first five minutes, Ali and Walker peeled off to the wall climb workout leaving Nicole, Chad, and Dizon. This is where Chad tore it up! Knowing he was doing the deadlift WOD for just 10 minutes, he worked almost to complete exhaustion before leaving for the Lego WOD. Nicole and Dizon continued on the deadlifts with Dizon pushing the pace. Dizon worked on the deadlift WOD for ALL 20 minutes! With just over five minutes remaining Nicole and Walker switched places and this was a MONEY move as Walker brought new life to the deadlift workout. Nicole found Ali pushing the pace amongst the other athletes on the wall and not showing any signs fatigue (she did the wall climb workout for all 15 minutes!) and Nicole followed suit.
The Roots team win WAS a team effort. Congrats to all!
That is so COOL! Congratulations you guys.
The day was tons of fun and it ended with an overwhelming feeling of joy and pride… for the team as well as for all of Roots. It was a culmination of great teamwork, great coaching, and great camaraderie and support from everyone at Roots. It is a true reflection of the outstanding family Nicole and the rest of the staff has put together. Roots is the bomb!
Great job, congrats to all of the athletes. Can’t wait to have competitions hosted at Roots’ new shop.
Thanks for everybody who came out to support us! It was super fun. Can’t wait to cheer on the rest of you at competitions in the future – I highly suggest it to everybody!
I posted some pics on Facebook (props to Lisa P. for using my camera to take some action shots) so look there if you wanna see 🙂
Great job! I got to see the first workout, sorry to miss that crazy 3 in 1 at the end.
Very-very-very cool, you guys. Well done. I was there in spirit…
Epic. Congrats!
Great job, Roots Team! Wish I could have been there to cheer you guys on.
Oh, and I’d also like to say that today was my first day in the new space. It totally rawks!!!
I had so much fun rooting you guys on!
Sorry I missed this one, but after watching several of you compete many times , I know how much this victory means to you. You guys have trained hard and long and deserved to get a victory under your belt. Way to go — I am very proud to be involved at a gym with people like you.
Awesome! Nice work guys!
Pretty awesome to know we are working with and being coached by Champions! Congrats!
YAY!! CrossFit Roots is AMAZING!!
Thanks to everyone who came out to cheer on the team on Saturday. It was awesome to have so much support throughout the workouts. Dizon hit the mark when he said the day ended with a feeling of pride and joy. I am so proud of the Roots team and couldn’t help but want to share it with everyone I knew.
Now…get ready for a kick ass Turkey Day WOD!:)