Five rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
185 pound Push jerk, 10 reps
Rest 1 minute

Salmon Order Pick-up – Tomorrow.
Did you place a pre-order for the Wild Caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon? Matt came by this afternoon but most people were not able to pick up because of the timing so we were not able to store the rest of the orders at the shop. He will be back tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 5 and will plan to stick around for a few hours. We hope you are able to pick-up your order tomorrow!
Orders are payable by check or cash. They cannot be billed to your MBO account. The price is $13/lb and they will be packaged in 1/2 pound portions as originally advertised.
If you have changed your mind about ordering due to the delay please email Stefanie so we can cancel your order and make it available to someone else.
Yea salmon!
Salmon is awesome, just cooked two filets for dinner. Get yours and enjoy!
My name is Sam and I started Crossfit at Roots a year ago.
I got an email reminding me of this, but it didn’t hit me until I saw the free class starting after my wod tonight. This time last year, my friend Sean was in town from the springs where he coaches. He convinced me to check out the free class at Roots that happened to be two days later and I committed to going. A few weeks after I was at my first foundations class with Zac and Ally.
I had never actively worked out before. Ever. I love hiking and don’t own a car so I use my bicycle for transportation. I knew I liked being active and needed to be, especially working a desk job. I just never understood what training hard on a regular schedule would give me.
It has been a humbling and inspiring experience learning all these new skills and concepts. I’ve seen that hard work, skill practice and healthy living all really pay off. It’s been really rewarding to see progress and feel successful.
I can do things I wasn’t able to a year ago. I can lift more than a year ago. I can breath better, row harder and run further than a year ago.
I can say I have double unders, muscle ups, pistols, dips, rope climbing and pull ups. All of them were accomplished through a progression of modified workouts, but I understood how they benefited me and used them to get where I am.
I’m still setting PRs all the time and feel like I don’t know what I’m doing every now and then. In my mind, I’m still the ‘new guy’ and have so much to learn yet.
I look forward to this next year of progress and can’t wait to see where Crossfit takes me. Thank you to all the coaches and athletes that have changed my life.