Sign-up for the In-House Oly Meet

REMINDER!  Sign-up for the in-house Oly meet closes on Tuesday!  Register here, it doesn’t cost a thing.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
7 Burpee pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Run 200 meters

Roots kicks off and closes out the week with 20 minute AMRAPs. Lots going on here!

A Week of Meals in Pictures, Day 4

Breakfast: two eggs over medium with a grapefruit (which I accidentally ate before I took the picture, that’s a piece of peel in the picture!)

Lunch: broccoli, carrots, onions, and beef leftover from dinner the other night

Snack: carrots, salsa, one loan piece of broccoli, and the last two slices of some deli meat.  Deli meat is not really my first choice but it was going to go bad.

Dinner: JUNK BURGER!  One burger cut in half length wise to create two different themed junk burgers.  1st half: egg, bacon.  2nd half: sauteed spinach, onions, mushrooms, topped with salsa and guacamole.  Tablespoon of mashed cauliflower which I was trying for the first time.

A Week of Meals in Pictures Day 4.
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6 Responses
  1. Ernesto

    When is the quarter cow available? I’m interested if it’s available soon, the one I ordered with some friends will be ready in August so I’m looking for something from here to there.

    Also, This is the “Killer” week eh?