Today’s workout is at the Centennial Middle School track. Come find out what track WODs are all about!
In teams of 3:
1.5 mile sled drag
1.5 mile run

Spice Up Your Life
One of the things I hear most often from people who are either just starting to try Paleo or people who don’t know anything about Paleo is that food is boring when you remove sugar and grains. I like to reply with “well, who made it boring”.
Food is as boring as you choose to make it. You can’t tell me that having choices of any meat in the world, any fruit and vegetable in the world, any natural fat in the world, and any spices, doesn’t give you enough options to make something tasty. If your food is boring, it’s time to experiment.
Thanks to a new book that Ari and I got, “The Flavor Bible” by Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg, our meals have been getting better and better. It’s basically an index of foods and spices followed by a list of other foods and spices that they pair well with. Some are no-brainers, like “salt + pepper”. It’s really listed. Others are more unique, like “coriander + chili peppers + mustard + black pepper”. And it doesn’t have to go into some elaborate recipe. In fact, the majority of flavor combinations we’ve tried have gone into our eggs in the morning. If it’s good we’ll start trying it in other foods, and we haven’t been let down yet.
The book isn’t just spices, it also includes just about every food you can think of, but no recipes which means you have to be willing to experiment. It doesn’t get you out of the job of cooking, but it certainly ups your game in the kitchen and makes sticking to Paleo a whole lot easier.
What are your go-to books in the kitchen?
Like squatting Ninja! Way to go Yovanna.