Reminder! Endurance Class Free Intro on Wednesday at 12:30 pm! For existing and those new to CrossFit. Sign up here.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
25-meter handstand walk
20 knees-to-elbows
15 hip extensions holding a 25-lb. plate

Spring Olympic Weightlifting Meet Recap!
A big thanks to all of our volunteers who worked tirelessly throughout the day making the competition run smoothly and without issue. We couldn’t do it without you!
Another big thank you to our sponsors:
The Cup for providing delicious high-strength coffee for the lifters and volunteers. They have been the sole coffee provider for all of Roots Oly Meets and we love them! SFH for having a booth set up at the meet and for providing prize packages for the winners. You can find their awesome products sold at Roots pro shop. Suerte for providing prize packages for the winners. They make great tequila and they are even nicer people. Thanks guys! Life of Riley Foods for donating their amazing nut butters for prizes.
The Roots athletes made a great showing at the competition. Here are some highlights:
- Megan Isherwood took 3rd overall in the women’s division with a 132.5 snatch and a 160 clean and jerk setting several personal records in the process. Nice job Megan!
- Luke Ursell lifted 175/210 for a very solid showing.
- Sam Gaard lifted a nice 185/225 and had a great meet.
- Pam Walter hit 95/125 after doing a workout earlier in the morning!
- Katie Walkden lifted 87.5/115 only a week after competing in the Masters Nationals!
- Josh Miers had meet PR’s in both lifts with 145/215 and keeps improving consistently.
- John Lauer came to clean and jerk and did so hitting a big 275.
- Nikki Rivera in her first meet hit 60/80 and looked great.
Thanks to all of our athletes who competed and to the spectators who came to witness the action firsthand.
Be sure to mark your calenders for August 8th when the Roots Summer Oly meet will be held. Sign up is open now, and is discounted to 15$ until this Sat. the 25th.when it goes back to 25$
See you on the platform!