7 rounds of:
15 hip-back extensions
3 strict muscle-ups

Suerte Tequila and The Dairy Center for the Arts
We are very excited to announce a neat sponsorship from another local Boulder company – Suerte Tequila! Owner Lance Sokol and his wife Yasmeen have been members at Roots for just over three months now. Keep an eye out for them in class…and for their super cool Suerte logo!
2nd Annual Moovers & Shakers Cocktail Competition
First, this Monday, Suerte Tequila will host the 2nd Annual Moovers & Shakers Cocktail Competition benefiting The Dairy Center for the Arts. And, Nicole will be one of six judges at the event!
The event will feature local mixologists from Basta, Frasca, Mateo, Oak at Fourteenth, Salt and Zolo Grill who will compete to make a new cocktail featuring Boulder based Suerte Tequila. Guests will receive a souvenir glass, sample six delicious tequila cocktails, accompanying food pairings and vote for their favorite new drink! A crew of six judges will cast their votes to determine the best new drink.
To learn more about the event, visit the event Facebook page HERE.
To purchase tickets for the event, click here.
To learn more about The Dairy Center for the Arts, click HERE. All proceeds from the event will benefit The Dairy Center.
Suerte Tequila Sponsors the June and July Cool Cruel Summers!
Yes, you read that correctly. At the upcoming June and July Cool Cruel Summer events Lance and Yasmeen will be on site to personally shake some cocktails post workout. They’ll mix up Paleo Coin Style Margs and a few others! Keep your eye out for more details on the June Edition of the Cool Cruel Summer. It’s going to be HOT!
Must be 21 or over to get in on the drinks…oh, and you have to do the workout first!
Questions? Post to comments.
Hey guys! The purchase tickets link isn’t working …
Hi Claire-
The link is fixed now, Thank you!
Thanks so much for the shout out @ Roots!
@clairemcnamara:disqus you can find tickets at the following link. Thanks so much for support the Diary Performing Arts Center.