Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
3 rounds for time:
10 pull-ups
20 sit-ups
30 squats

Thank You
Thanks to all the Roots members who came out for the Paint-the-Shop-for-Time Party. Eric and I were overwhelmed at the number of people who came out to lend a hand. We got the job done in record time and it looks great. The day was a huge success!
The shop is a work in progress through this weekend. Thanks for bearing with us over the past two weeks.
Our free month winner was Karl! Thanks for pitching in Karl, a free month of training at Roots is coming your way.
looking forward to seeing the new paint job…hope it doesn’t resemble the JAX graffiti wall…. ha ha!
Big ups to the Roots crew who came out to brave the wind and cheer on the Koppenberg hill this afternoon. That was awesome!! I’m really glad to know and be part of such a super-cool group of people!