Hang Clean

A small selection of leftover holiday treats - that need to go.

A small selection of leftover holiday treats – that need to go.

Forty two people said they are IN for the 12-Day Reboot. Read more about it here. 
Remember, the initial buy-in is that for the next 12 days you will not drink alcohol or eat sugar. Eating sugar includes any real, fake, added, processed, extracted, or powdered variety. Sugar found in fruit, vegetables, or starches is fine.
Day 1 (to be completed January 2nd)
Throw out EVERYTHING in your kitchen that entered the house as a product of Thanksgiving or Christmas. This includes, but is not limited to – ice cream, chocolate, holiday food gifts, candied nuts, whipped cream, eggnog, toffee, Christmas cookies, candy canes, gingerbread men (and women), cheese logs, fudge and any other food item that you are tempted by that simultaneously takes years from your life. 
If you complete this task today, post your names to comments AND post the picture of your pile to comments.