DAY 4 of the 12 Day Reboot
No alcohol, no sugar, lights out by 9:30pm, commit to a workout schedule. See below for more info.
REMINDER! Women’s Only FREE Class and Intro Session TODAY at 10:30 am! Sign-up here.
10min AMRAP:
100-meter walking lunge with 45-lb. plate overhead
30 GHD sit-ups

So, how many burpees did you have to do yesterday? Today’s task won’t be nearly as hard though it will still require some mindful decisions on your part, and the dreaded word: commitment!
Day 4 (to be completed January 5th)
Go online and sign-up for 4 workouts or more in the next seven days. Take ten minutes to plan your week to attend all of those classes.
The trick here will be that second sentence. Be realistic in the workout times you choose. If you know you’re not an early morning person then don’t plan everyday at 5:30am. On the flip side if you know you typically get to the end of your day and your just dead tired and often late-cancel your PM WOD, then get it over with early in the AM. And don’t forget about Open Shop times.
We understand that “life” stuff comes up and sometimes prevents us from doing the things we want. We also know that it’s easy to fall into the rut of just signing up the night before or maybe even just before we walk in the Roots door. By pre-planning our intentions are stronger and we’re placing our health at the higher end of our priority ladder, which is what the 12 Days is all about!
Still compliant. 20 burpees.
zero burpees. too busy with work. WODS = Tuesday, 2x Wed (1 w/Ali), Thurs, Fri … gone on vacation from Saturday till following Sunday
Done. I do this anyway. I’m a planner and those 8:30 classes fill up!
The burpee penalty kept me from looking at social media. This exercise showed me how many times I mindlessly pick up my phone to browse. I always make M, T, Th, and F my WOD days (unless I am have another engagement then vary it up to get in 4 WOD’s) and sign-up for the following week as soon as I log onto my computer each day for the following week.
Workouts scheduled. No burpees, sugar, alcohol. 9:30 lights out.
Workouts scheduled. Done.
Done. Tough to fit in 4 given weekends in the mountains. Also 5:30am spots are hard to come by but need to happen with this 9pm to bed thing!
Workout schedule done. No booze, no sugar… Slept 2 hours last night although I really really wanted to sleep. Could it have been the 3 miles of running I did at the 5pm wod?!
Sadly, the stomach flu ruined the no sugar since the only thing I could keep down was ginger ale. Starting back up on Thursday.
Done as much as I can + have reminders on my calendar to sign up for my 4th class on Thursday (3x/week membership limits me right now)
Glad I happened to sign up before the rush on classes… the gym is extra popular after new year’s. As for burpees, I didn’t do any – maybe I misunderstood the rules or maybe I’ve made progress in that area? Yesterday, I spaced it and put a smidge of honey in my otherwise unsweetened chai. Maybe I should just go back to drinking coffee! In bed at 9:06 and lights out by 9:30… sigh. Today will be a better day!
This was an easy one, since those 5:30 am classes fill up! I’m generally booked a week out, save for the weekend classes. But now, thanks to the challenge, I already know where I’ll be this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. =) Turns out, the 9:30 p.m. lights-out mandate has been helpful, getting me to sleep when I SHOULD be already. It’s paying dividends, too; last two days in a row, I woke up 10-20 mins ahead of my alarm!
Just got home from vacation–I was totally compliant on the no sugar/alcohol front and burpee penalty, but went out one night until late and then flew in to CO late last night so the sleep at 9pm will start tonight. Also, signed up for workouts so that is done.
I live by my calendar and scheduling ahead of time is a necessity. Done. 🙂
Workouts booked. 9:30p ish lights out (my body clock is reeling from confusion!!). No burpees (the ban on post 9p electronics is a real boon here – yay!!). No alcohol (easy peasy). Let’s just say sugar drastically reduced!
Done! I’m signed up through this rest of this week and the beginning of next week so i’m good to go.
Workouts scheduled for the week. 10:00 PM may be my bed time, though, while I’m in school.
Done. Scheduled 3 workouts in MBO, and will do 2 at acuo cross fit while I am in Redmond this week – 6am Wednesday/Thursday
And 10 burpees yesterday
Running late tonight, I stopped at WF and picked up some chicken breasts and a “paleo crunch” cabbage salad. I get home, and Brenda’s like “is that gonna work?”, and I’m all like “sure, check it out, it says right here, it’s just cabbage, vinegar, sesame seeds, salt… FUCK, and honey.” So, chicken and trail mix for dinner.
Check: I have 3 scheduled–doesn’t include the running I do on off days. Scheduled as well.
20 burpees, and downloaded an app to track the amount of time I spend on my phone. Really don’t like the phone, but am addicted 🙁 good with no booze, but using a slight bit of honey to help treat a sore throat. Can’t schedule ahead with the baby schedule but I am fully committed to the 4 days. Motivation is not the problem there! Sleeping pretty good around 9:30. Thanks for the guidelines!