The 12 Day Reboot – DAY 6

DAY 6 of the 12 Day Reboot
No alcohol, no sugar, lights out by 9:30pm, mark your calendar. See below for more info.


Ok, you’ve cleaned out your kitchen, you’ve put alcohol and sugar on hold, you’re getting more sleep, you’re being more mindful, you’ve placed your workout into your top scheduling priorities, and you’ve planned and made a delicious healthy meal, so what could be next?  Let’s put all those tools to the test!
Day 6 (to be completed January 7th)
Mark your calendar for January 14th, because sign-up for the 2016 CrossFit Open is opening to the public and we want you to sign-up!
Ok, but what is this “Open”?  It’s a worldwide CrossFit competition that last for 5 weeks.  Each week a new WOD is released on Thursday and athletes have until Monday night to complete it and submit their scores.  It is stage 1 in a 3 stage progression that athletes complete to compete in the Games.  Some of you are thinking, “but I’m not a Games athlete, and nor do I care to be!”, and we understand that but think of the Open as your annual evaluation of how you’re doing with CrossFit and see how you fare in a group of 300,000+ other like-minded athletes, and yes, there is a scaled division too!
Every year we hear from our athletes how the Open pushed  them to a higher level of fitness, whether it was from the physical demands or the mental, it’s the general consensus that the Open makes you better.  It will test you in all abilities, time domains, and movements and reveals where your weaknesses are and what you need to work harder on the following year.  Not to mention the vibe in the gym is one of supreme awesomeness, support and motivation.  And, it will be the WOD at Roots for all classes on Saturdays.  We will release more details in the following weeks so stay tuned, but for now mark your calendars and get signed-up and spread the word!


18 Responses
  1. Marcus Martin

    Is this a “challenge”? I already had this marked on my calendar days ago. You better up the game for next challenge.

  2. shaynalarsen

    Will def sign up. Every year I think of not doing it, and then I’m always happy I did. I’ve learned something every single year! So worth it!

    1. CAL

      Ohhh, GREAT Marcus, so YOU are the reason we have the 100 Burpees to do manana!! [and WHERE did you find these cool CF gifs??]

  3. Katie W

    Calendar notation, done! Sugar free still, CHECK but heck if these gummy thing us didn’t stop me dead in my tracks tonight. My former sugar brain was so game but my 6 day sugar free brain was like, keep walking babe.