Three rounds of:
10 Deadlifts
30 GHD situps

Sectional Prep Meeting
Within the world of CrossFit athletes find their niche. From CF Kids, to endurance training support, to staying fit while raising three young kids there are many ways to excel. Another niche is the competitive arena of the CrossFit Games. This is where CrossFit becomes sport.
The first step to the competition that lays claim to crowning the fittest man and woman in the world is the CrossFit Sectionals. The structure of this years Open Sectionals is different from last year. Individuals will compete in a series of events released from early March through mid April. Athletes will compete either through video submission or be verified by a registered CrossFit affiliate. Regional competitions will be in late May.
There will be a team competition at Regionals; HOWEVER, all athletes who wish to compete on the team MUST qualify as an individual through the Open Sectionals.
** There will be FOUR Masters divisions (45-50, 50-55, 55-60, 60+). HINT HINT. You know who you are. That’s right, I’m talking to YOU.
Who are the Open Sectionals for? EVERYONE. This is a community event. Do you love CrossFit? Are you curious about what you could do with a little extra effort? Would you sign up for a random 5K? Of course. So why not sectionals? Come find out what it’s all about – for you.
What’s the first step? Attend the first meeting. At this meeting we’ll detail the training plan and schedule, help you sort through your strengths and weaknesses, and answer any questions.
Yea sectionals!!!
Sectionals and Regionals were a lot of fun last year! I encourage lots of people to sign up. Not sure what I think about the new format though. Half the fun is watching and meeting the other athletes.
Ditto Molly’s comments. If you are interested, you should try it out especially since the WODs will (probably) be held in Roots. It’s cheap and you won’t have to dedicate a whole weekend and travel far. Lots of details to come, but competing is worthwhile no matter how well you do. You learn a lot and it will help you improve in general with CF.
The competitions are a ton of fun. It’ll be a little different without the stranger-filled atmosphere, but should still be a great experience for everyone involved.
Count me in!