The Cup Broadcasts The 2011 Games


Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

The 2011 CrossFit Games at The Cup

Want to watch the 2011 Games in a super cool place?

Wendy over The Cup let me know that they will keep the TV they used for the Tour de France in place for the weekend so the Roots crew has a place to gather and watch the action!

Here’s information on the live action and ESPN coverage.

Coverage during these times at are as follows.

  • Friday: 7-10, MST
  • Saturday: 7-10, MST
  • Sunday: 2-5pm, MST
6 Responses
  1. For all you triathlon/endurance converts (me being one), be sure not to miss the first WOD on Friday.  It is a Crossfit Version of a Sprint Duathlon:  Ocean Swim, Beach Run, Mini-Murph, Beach Run!!!

  2. Dizon

    Not 100% sure but I think it is streaming coverage only and not on cable or dish.  Anyone have Wendy’s contact info?   May want to let her know that they will have to hook up a computer to the TV to get coverage.


  3. Wendy

    Yep – we have a dedicated computer for the stream!

    Looks like there is some all day coverage, then the big show in the evenings.
    If anybody drops in during the day we are more than happy to get that stream going…

    Otherwise – come watch the evening condensed coverage.
    Maybe we’ll see Odie napping on the beach or Nicole counting reps!

  4. grandpamojo

    Wendy – thanks for providing this. I’ll be there – and I’ll definitely take Chad’s advice and watch the first WOD.

    Also… SHOPPING ALERT!!! – pasture fed Grant Farm eggs for sale at Whole Foods today for 2 for $8!!! – It’s a steal!