High bar backsquat
thruster (165/105)

The Cup Turns Five!
This Sunday, The Cup, owned by our very own athlete Wendy Ball and her husband Chris, is celebrating its five year anniversary. Pick up a celebration postcard at Roots this week to learn about out all the festivities – including Nicole’s Guest Barista spot.
Check out the festivities this weekend and be sure to give Wendy a big high five if you see her at the shop!
We LOVE The Cup. Over the years we’ve run into LOTS of the Roots crew down at The Cup. Do you frequent The Cup? Post to comments.
Congratulations, Wendy! And congrats on your Open Award too! The anniversary party sounds like fun!
Happy Birthday Cup!
Wait… Nicole was a barista in some past life?
Do come everyone! We’re gonna make sure that Nicole squats below parallel when
she grabs the milk…. and I dunno, perhaps a 20# vest is in order?
1:00 folks – check it!
Team Roots for the coffee sack races?
Did someone say coffee sack race? I’d be game! Wendy, hAPpY bIRtHdAy to The Cup!! (as a former restauranteur, I can TOTALLY appreciate the Awesomesauce nature of this milestone — YAY!!). Will most definitely see you on Sunday 🙂
Happy Birthday to The Cup! I like to think that part of my family is ALWAYS at The Cup, as there is a framed Daily Camera article in the hallway that ran with a picture of my dad having a “business meeting” (ie. most likely on an extended coffee break from work) there.
I will certainly swing by on Sunday. I look forward to witnessing Nicole make espresso drinks for time!
Love The Cup. It’s my regular meeting place since I don’t have a regular office to meet with people. Congrats Wendy!