This challenge was designed by OptimizeMe Nutrition and focuses on ensuring a baseline level of fruits, veggies, and protein every day — without weighing and measuring everything and without restricting anything! Hence, it’s “lazy” but still offers significant results. 

It combines the #800gChallenge® (eating 800 grams, by weight, of fruits and veggies each day) with a protein target. By setting a target on these underrepresented items in most diets, the overall quantity is reduced and a more even macronutrient balance is achieved.

In addition, points are awarded for working out AND achieving enough sleep – an important and overlooked aspect to one’s goals. Therefore, the Lazy Macros Challenge tackles the 4 major areas (diet quality, diet quantity, exercise, and sleep) that affect the goals most everyone wants: better body composition, performance, and overall health. Here’s a one-sheet with all the rules and scoring details.


Monday, March 23rd – Sunday, April 19th


We are offering this challenge FREE TO MEMBERS as part of the current 2-week closure. You have the time, we’ll provide the energy if you provide some too!

You can do this and we want to support you.

Sign-up is free and limited to current members. You do need to register so we know to send you the needed materials.

Let us know you’re IN by registering here.


We will host a meeting via Facebook LIVE to go over all the challenge rules and answer your questions. Be sure to be there (online)!

  • Wednesday, March 17th at 12:00 pm MST


Free and available to current members.


We will be using SugarWOD to log scores, leaderboard, and fist bump throughout the challenge. More info on scoring and logging can be found here.


The winner gets one month of free membership.