No Open Shop Today.
Crocktoberfest at 6pm.

We know, some of you could hardly sleep last night. You woke every hour to check, turn, stir, and coddle your crockpot delicacy for tonight’s festivities.
And now, the time has come! We’ll see you all this evening at 6:00PM for the annual Crocktoberfest.
Judging will start promptly at 6:15pm.
The scoring system is as follows:
– Crockpot entries will be judged on a scale of 1-50 points.
– The 50 points is comprised of 1. Taste 0-30, 2. Originality/Creativity 0-15, and 3. Presentation 0-5
– To be eligible to win, entries must be made IN the crockpot (browning or searing beforehand is ok)
– All entries must be submitted with a full list of ingredients used in the making of the dish
You are more then welcome to bring non-crock pot cooked dishes that will be enjoyed by all but not included in the judging.
History of the Crocktoberfest Cup
The Crocktoberfest Cup is the CrossFit Roots trophy, awarded to the athlete who displays the greatest talents of crockpot cooking. It is awarded after the Crocktoberfest Finals and has been referred to as Lord Stefanie’s Mug named after the creator of the annual event. Unlike many trophies and prizes awarded for athletic events, a new Crocktoberfest Cup is not awarded each year. Rather the same trophy is passed on to the athlete who wins that year’s championship. The names of the former Crocktoberfest champions are added to the cup each year. It is kept at the home of residence of the annual winner or at CrossFit Roots for the year following.
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