50-30-10 double-unders jumping lunges sit-ups then: another fast and furious surprise ending
Kevin atop Mt. Elbert (14,433 ft.) in celebration of turning 30.
CrossFit Total Week
Kick off 2010 with a solid benchmark of your strength. Can you say squat, press, and deadlift? Next week we will offer two days to come in and complete the CrossFit Total. We’re offering extended class times to give you enough time to do it right, additional meeting times to make sure you get in here, and yes, (finally) some sweet mixes sure to make everyone lift heavier stuff. Sign-up on MBO. Classes run all day Tuesday from 6:30am to 7:30pm and Saturday form 7:30am to 12:30pm!
Paleolithic diet is so easy, cavemen actually did it – great article in the Washington Post about a Washingtonian CrossFitter who found Paleo and stuck with it. Thanks Nisha, Andrew, and Mom and Dad for sending it our way!
Check out Kevin’s account of his ascent up Mt. Elbert (14,433ft.). A neat read!
Kevin–way to go! Amazing pics. The only time I’ve summited a 14er in the snow was Quandary Peak in May, so a winter ascent seems so cool!!
Awesome Kevin. I am jealous. Thanks for documenting the trip details and pics.
Emily Molter
Happy Birthday!
Molly Molter
Nice job Kevin! I especially like your shirt
Awesome! What a great way to ring in 30
Thanks, everybody! It was an excellent trip. One of the reasons I started doing CrossFit was to make this sort of thing easier, and it definitely helped. Hmm, maybe a Roots Crew 14er club is in order…
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Want info on our programs and memberships? Tell us where to send it!
Kevin–way to go! Amazing pics. The only time I’ve summited a 14er in the snow was Quandary Peak in May, so a winter ascent seems so cool!!
Awesome Kevin. I am jealous. Thanks for documenting the trip details and pics.
Happy Birthday!
Nice job Kevin! I especially like your shirt
Awesome! What a great way to ring in 30
Thanks, everybody! It was an excellent trip. One of the reasons I started doing CrossFit was to make this sort of thing easier, and it definitely helped. Hmm, maybe a Roots Crew 14er club is in order…