21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
115-lb. power cleans
One-legged squats, right leg
One-legged squats, left leg

Valentine’s Day Couples Workout is FRIDAY! – Sign-up for Childcare Too.
Hey Roots Couples – Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and that means only one thing – it’s time to show your couples love at the Roots Valentine’s Day Couples Workout.
Read below so you’re in the know!
When: FRIDAY, February 13th at 5:00 PM
Who: This workout is open to CrossFit Roots couples. Both partners must be active members at Roots.
How: Sign-up on MBO. Both partners must sign-up in MBO under the Valentine’s Day WOD on the regular class schedule.
What: A couples workout with your other half.
Childcare: Sign-up is limited and registration is available on the clipboard at the front desk of the shop. Cost is $10 for the first child and $3 for each sibling. No diaper changing services included. The child must be able to perform ten burpees in under :30 seconds to be eligible for childcare, just kidding.
See you there!
I wish I could do this but we can’t make it there that early on a week day.