Warm With Pride.


Front squat
chest-to-bar pull-ups
KB swings
ring push-ups

Dirk cashes in on his first 1 rep max dead at Roots.

Warm with Pride

The CrossFit Open is upon us.  Tomorrow at 5pm the CrossFit Games website will release the first workout of the 2012 CrossFit Open.  (did that intro get your heart pumping?)

My heart is warm with pride at the number of athletes who have signed up.  68!

As I look over the list, every name is a story.  I recall the first time we taught you to squat or the first time you achieved something you initially thought you could not, the first time a workout didn’t go your way or the first time you beamed with pride at something you accomplished, and your facial expression the first time we said to you, “you should do the Open.”

The Open is so many different things for so many people. Thinking about everyone’s journey to this place, I am reminded of our affiliate name, CrossFit Roots, and how we choose the name Roots.

To us, CrossFit is organic health and fitness. It is pure and back to basics fitness, back to the roots.  Trees have roots and trees are strong, they grow, adapt, survive, bloom, reseed, and outlast.  This embodies the athletes we want to create and mold at our affiliate.  CrossFit Roots will be a return to the heart of athleticism.

Looking at the list and knowing everyone’s CrossFit story, I’d say our athletes have done just that.   And that makes the next five weeks even more exciting as we know you will continue to show yourselves all you are capable of.

Do the Open for yourself, for your community of athletes, for your pride in Roots and all that it has become, and for the sport of fitness.

We believe in you.  Now get after it!

8 Responses
  1. Molly Molter

    Great post today, Nicole! It’s very inspiring to see how many people have signed up for the Open to represent themselves and their pride in Roots – especially first timers.  I can’t wait to throw down tomorrow and see how many people get new PRs or push themselves to a new limit! Things are gonna get rowdy!!

  2. Paul

    Nice lift, Dirk — 305#?  

    I’m lamenting about the Open.   Knowing I’d get swept up in the competition like last time, a particular tendon is asking me to refrain for this round.     

  3. Wendy

    WOW! Whoa – how inspiring!
    I think I’ll go run……INTO the wind….because I can!

    …and that’s what Roots has done for ME!
    (Thank you.)

    Tomorrow gonna be fun – I think I’ll bring coffee….

    1. Great running INTO the wind with you at noon CFE Wendster! Looks like you’re also throwing down for the Open?  Sooo, you are my new CF SHERO!!  This year, CFE and my 1/2 mara.  NEXT year, the Open 🙂