good mornings
every 60 seconds
2,000m row
50 wallball
1,000m row
35 wallball
500m row
20 wallball

Sixty Eight For the Open!
Last Chance to Sign-up for the Open!
Today is the last day to register for the CrossFit Open. We have 68 folks ready to go! Thursday nights are going to be SICK. Sick as in cool, like super cool, and great, and awesome, and well, sick.
Not sure how to sign-up? Click here.
Still have a few burning questions that you need to ask someone? Post them to comments and all your fellow athletes will get you squared away.
Sooo, does it make ANY sense for someone who has an ice cube’s chance in Hades of doing Open wods Rx (this year…next year, different story!) to sign up to participate??
Yes! Did you see the first Open wod? BURPEES for time. You can do that!