Five rounds of:
5 barbell deadlifts
5 barbell hang cleans
5 barbell push presses
5 barbell squats
Increase the load each round. Rest as necessary between rounds.
CrossFit Roots is Pleased to Welcome Zac Pine!

Zac Pine joins the coaching staff at Roots. Give this friendly and approachable guy a hand and introduce yourself to him before class!
Check out this mainsite video from a few weeks ago of Zac doing the 400m/50 squats workout. And don’t worry, that workout is coming up soon!
My first comment for Zac — was a guy named Greg Kaplan filming your run/squat video?
My second comment for Zac — welcome to Boulder — welcome to Roots.
Glad to have you back, Zac!
Welcome Zac – awesome, when can we start working on the tree truck back squats?