5 rounds for time:
In teams of two:
P1: row 20 calories for least # strokes
P2: push press x 15 (135/95)
Rest 1 minute.

We’re 3.
The 4th of July is hands down my favorite holiday – warm weather, great gatherings, celebrating the US of A’s independence, the men and women that served in our nations Armed Forces, and growing up just outside of DC make this holiday have a special place in my heart. Four years ago the 4th took on another special meaning to me as it was the day we moved from the garage and began construction at the old shop.
America has often been described as “the land of opportunity” and “the home of the brave” and our experience over the past four years has led us to believe nothing less.
On July 4th, 2008 Eric and I were at the old space well past midnight tearing down walls and putting together what we would attempt to make a CrossFit shop. It was scary and fun and a shit ton of work. Sure, it was a coincidence that it happened to be the 4th but I can’t help but have a sense of gratitude for all that was made possible for us by a life in the United States. We live in a country where hard work does payoff. We run a CrossFit shop where we have the privilege to work with athletes who show us everyday that we are still the “home of the brave.”
We hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July. Thanks for joining us on the ride over the past four years and for giving us the opportunity to coach and work with all of you. Happy birthday to CrossFit Roots.
And be prepared to celebrate September 7th at the 3-Year Anniversary Party – details in the Newsletter this week!
I know I’m blonde but if you started the old gym on the 4th in ’08, aren’t you 4?
Oops! It was 09 that we were building…not 08:). Blonde AND smart perhaps??;)
Change the coaching style? http://www.thesfegotist.com/news/national/2012/may/22/best-ad-boxing-gym-ever-seriously-ever
This is the funniest video I have seen in a while…
@erickelly you crack me up!!
Ha! When I read “we’re 3” I was expecting a different kind of announcement…