Annual shop closure Day 3.
Whiteboard Names and Nicknames
Ever wonder why the names Mr. Exercise, Blaster, ScanMan, Sampo, Bird, and KU Molly grace the whiteboard? Where’s their real name and is Mr. Exercise a joke?
If a new member joins and there is already someone at the shop with the same name, we try to figure out a nickname for the new person. It’s always best when the person at the shop with the name gives the new person their nickname – hence Jim Rowe’s nickname of Lil’ Jim for Jim Kienholz. The coaches have also been known to dish out some nicknames based on events at the shop – such as Dave’s question about the blasters we were going to be doing in class, meaning thrusters.
Do you have a nickname at the shop? If so, how did you get it?
Do you need a nickname at the shop? Or do you need to give someone a nickname?
Post to comments.
Still trying to get a nickname for Walnut Julia to stick! “South Side” and “Southie” are possibilities. Anyone? Bueller?
I thought “south side” already stuck to her. I like that nick.
Southside should be it, we even have a soundtrack from Moby, although it may suck to have a nickname based on your work.
I’m the 2nd Stefanie and still don’t have a nickname. Maybe a blessing in disguise 😉 Any ideas?
Personally, I like “guns” for you.
How about Sister? (You are Eric’s sis…)
I just like hearing Shane call me “Grandpa” when new Roots folks are in the workout with me. Makes him seem like an insensitive ass. 🙂
Can we call Phil “Punk” for Punxatawney Phil? I don’t want to write out Punxatawney everytime.
Julia’s name has stuck! She’s SouthSide on the board.
Judging from a recent Foundations course, it looks like there is soon to be another Tara in the house. I haven’t met her yet but I’m already brainstorming some possible nicknames…
I love my South Side nickname!