Pre-Order your Yellowbelly food for this Thursday’s Cool Cruel Summer HERE.


Isabel is part of the Yearly Benchmark Series. Log your score!

Don’t forget that Whole Foods will be hosting the Primal Kitchen launch party this Friday.  Mark Sisson of Mark’s Daily Apple will be debuting his new line of Paleo mayonnaise while yours truly will be hosting a free intro to CrossFit workout on the west patio at 10:30am.  All ages and skill levels are welcome.

The 9:30am class and Open Shop will be ending at 10:15 on Friday, June 19th so you all have time to come over.  Come join us in the WOD, bring your copy of Primal Blueprint to get signed by Mark, and enjoy some of the Paleo foods that Whole Foods has to offer throughout the store!

You can find more info on the event HERE.