CrossFit Total, Part 3

Why I’m Doing the CrossFit Open, Part 1
The CrossFit Open is just 29 days away. That’s right, in less than a month we get to kick off the biggest 5-week party of the season at Roots. If you’re not familiar with the Open or how it will go down at Roots, read this post.
Many athletes are hesitant to sign-up for the Open. Nervousness about weights, workouts, and movements provent them from taking the plunge into this seasonal competition that is as much workout as it is CrossFit Community party.
We’ve asked five athletes at Roots to share their personal story on why they are doing the CrossFit Open.
Check it out.
Kevin Kinnear (aka Bones)
I am doing the CrossFit Open at Roots AGAIN (I think this is my 4th year now), because it is a lot of fun and another motivator to improve my fitness. I have no delusions that I will advance in the Games, because over my 51 years on earth I have damaged my body too often in too many creative ways to even complete some basic functional CrossFit movements (overhead squats, anyone?), so there is not the typical competitor nervousness that I experienced in college athletics.
However, when dozens of people are screaming support to complete as many box jumps, burpess, pull-ups, dead lifts, double-unders, etc., as possible, it is extraordinarily motivating. In addition, it gives me an indication of my fitness at that time if I REALLY push it – I tend to push it harder than the typical daily WOD.
Plus, when you work out this vigorously, it is essential – nay, absolutely CRITICAL – to replenish yourself with HONEY, the Nectar of the Gods! How is this a bad thing?
Yeah Bones! One of the most dedicated CrossFitters at Roots. When I thought I had it bad with my injuries and resultant time off, I looked towards Bones for motivation. He had it worse than I, but made it in to WOD throughout his recoveries, working around all those injury-challenged areas. Crush the Open this year Bones, I’ll be trying to do the same.
I’m so glad you were able to work in a reference to honey in this post, Bones!
Thanks Chad and good luck! While I might toil away in humble ignominy, these board shorts are going to the Open Finals!!!
Lisa, my soul revolves around this precious distillation of heaven – how could I NOT pay my respects…