4 rounds of:
3 minutes of rowing
1 minute of muscle-ups
Post calories rowed and muscle-up reps completed to comments.

Why I’m Doing the Open – Andrea Olson
In our 5th and final installment we turn our focus to Andrea “Dre” Olson.
Age: 44
Occupation: Administrative Assistant
Family: Married and a son who also does CrossFit
WODs per week: 5
1. How many years have you been CrossFitting?
3 ½ years. I started in June of 2011 and have never looked back.
2. How many years have you done the Open?
2 years. I was afraid to participate my first year but when I looked back at the end of the Open I wished I would have participated. It looked like so much fun and I knew I had missed out on something special and greater than anything I had ever been a part of. From that moment forward I knew I would always make this a part of my life.
3. Why did you choose to compete in the Open even after injury?
It is important to me to never give up on anything I have set my sights on. I knew well before my injury that I was going to compete in the Open and was not going to let a broken foot stop me from giving it my all. You can do anything when you have the support from your friends and peers. The support I had from Roots (all encompassing; family, friends, fellow athletes, coaches and owners) was unimaginable.
4. Were you able to do all the workouts?
Yes, I did each and every workout, even being non-weight bearing and in a sexy, fancy boot the entire Open season. The first WOD had double-unders and snatches. WTF was my first thought, what did I get myself into? Double-unders on one foot? Then I thought, what is there to lose? Nothing, nothing at all, go give it your all!! So I did and let me tell you, I worked at the double-unders for the entire 10 minutes, accomplishing 3 one-footed double-unders. Tall Tara was my judge and was so patient with me and encouraged me on through the whole process; at that very moment I knew I had made the right decision.
5. What is your favorite part about the Open?
This is an easy one – I absolutely love more than anything watching my fellow athletes do something they think they cannot do and surprise themselves when they accomplish it. I have witnessed this each and every year through the Open and it is inspiring and heartwarming. The energy that is generated the evening we all get together and do the WOD is surreal and insurmountable above anything I have ever experienced. The energy generated is electrifying and makes you feel like you can do anything set in front of you. OKAY, OKAY…not to mention all of the good food every week and perhaps, just perhaps, an adult beverage afterwards with some of the greatest athletes/friends ever! Possibly a game of Paleo pong, who wants to miss out on that?
6. Are you doing to compete again this year?
Duh, no brainer! Everyone should compete in the Open, there is not an excuse good enough not to; there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Very cool Dre! Awesome
Yeah Dre! You were my judge for an open workout and were so encouraging.
Sam, your post reminded me about my first open workout. I was so nervous I was tempted to leave. Dre was my judge and she was awesome. It was the first time that I’d met her and she made a huge difference on that workout and my feelings about the open.
Aw Dre…you’re the best. You inspire so many people, especially at 5:30 in the morning, that it’s very easy to cheer you on. And to judge you. In a Crossfit Open kind of way. 😉
Thank you all for the nice comments!! I love my Roots family!
Dre, you’ve been one of my Roots SHEros since I joined!
You’re such a rockstar!