Name: Jessica Zeldner
Whiteboard Name: JZ
Age: 39
Occupation: stay at home mom
Years CrossFitting: It will be 3 years this May!
Did you participate in The Open last year? If so, what was it like?
I have done The Open the past two years. The first year I decided to try every workout as it was prescribed, even if it meant spending the entire time trying to get a bar muscle up (true story). I really surprised myself! I think I PR’d pretty much every movement that year – it was the first time I really pushed myself to my limit across the board. The second year I went into The Open with a ton of excitement….I was maybe a little over enthusiastic and managed to break my finger jumping up to grab the bar. But in case you are wondering, yes, I finished the workout:). To the credit of all the Roots coaches, I actually did a scaled version of the rest of the Open workouts that year.
Are you doing The Open this year? Why?
I am definitely doing it again this year. The Open is so different from the class workouts. I love the focus on pushing limits, strategy, and the energy that all the athletes bring. Going to The Open workout at night is especially fun since you get to meet a lot of new people. And having a judge who counts for you (!!!!!) is pretty awesome too.
Anything you would like to add?
As a stay at home mom, there aren’t very many times I get high fives or fist bumps for doing something well or trying something new. The Open is the ultimate chance to set the bar a little higher with an amazing group cheering you on! For anyone on the fence, sign up and get after it! You won’t regret it.
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