5 rounds for time of:
20 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
75-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls, 20 reps
20-inch box jumps, 20 reps
75-lb. push presses, 20 reps
Row 20 calories
Rest 1 minute

Women’s Only Free Class and May On-Ramp Course
Save the dates!
Hey Women of Boulder!
Have you heard of this thing called “CrossFit” but aren’t sure where to start or are feeling a little intimidated? Check out the Women’s Only Program at CrossFit Roots and begin your CrossFit journey with a welcoming and inclusive group of ladies!
Join Coach Ali from the Women’s Only Program for a FREE class on Monday, May 4th at 10:30 am. You’ll learn about the methods of CrossFit and its role in your health and fitness. You’ll also get to try a short workout. No CrossFit or exercise experience is necessary. All ability levels welcome. Sign-up here.
Ready to jump in? The May On-Ramp course begins Monday, May 11th at 10:30 am. It meets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday through May 22nd for a total of 6, 1-hour sessions. You’ll learn the fundamental movements of CrossFit and gradually increase your workout intensity to be ready to go for Women’s Only group classes. Sign-up here.
For more information on the Women’s Only Program, check out our webpage here. Email Coach Ali with any questions you may have.
Don’t let intimidation hold you back any longer, become the athlete you want to be.