Join CrossFit Headquarters Seminar Staff Flowmasters Drake Sladky, Rob Lawson, and Nicole Christensen in their efforts to support CrossFit affiliates across the world that have been hit hardest by COVID-19 closures. 

Join them this Sunday, May 17th at 8:00 am MST (15:00 GMT, 16:00 CEST) for the fourth and final installment of a co-coached WOD on Zoom!

We welcomed special guest Nicole Carroll, Director of CrossFit Training, in Week 1. In Week 2 we welcomed Rory Mckernan, Annie Sakamoto, and Chuck Carswell alongside Nicole Carroll. During week 3 we welcomed Rich Froning and saw a Ro vs. Boz throwdown. Who will week 4 bring?

This week, 100% of funds contributed by class attendees will go to support one affiliate in need in the United States. We are doing this weekly and will work to support affiliates in countries all over the world. 

Suggested donation per class is $10 USD or €10 EUR.

Here’s How to Register

  1. Contributions will be collected via PayPal and transferred directly to the receiving affiliate.
  2. Make a contribution HERE OR click the button above.
  3. Information on Zoom access and password will be sent within 24 hours of receiving your contribution.

Thank you for joining us in the fight. Let’s work together to make sure health and fitness win.


What equipment will I need?

A set of dumbbells. A single dumbbell, a kettlebell, milk jugs, or a sandbag will work as well.

What’s the workout?

Week 1 Workout:
For Time:
42 DB Snatch (22.515kg, 50/35lb)
21 Burpees Over DB
30 DB Front Squats
15 Burpees Over DB
18 DB Thrusters
9 Burpees Over DB

Week 2 Workout:
For time:
DB Deadlifts (22.515kg, 50/35lb)
Abmat sit-ups

Week 3 Workout:
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
10 Hang power clean & shoulder to overhead, right arm
10 Box step-up with DB
10 Hang power clean & shoulder to overhead, left arm
10 Box jumps

What if I don’t have a set of dumbbells? What if I just have one object?

You can still get it done! Perform the workout with just one object. So, for example, you will do 1-arm thrusters and front squats.

We’ll go through various scaling and modification options for every workout!

What affiliate are you donating to?

We will select one affiliate in a different country each week.

Week 1 recipient: CrossFit Voghera
Week 2 recipient: CrossFit Gobi