No introductory paragraph needed…
Here are your Week 3 scores:

Anyone’s Game
As we move into the last week it’s literally ANY TEAM’S game.
Remember that Week 4 has THREE EVENTS, not just one. So there are as many points up for grabs in week 4 as there were in the first 3 weeks combined!
You knew this was coming…
Some of you have become obsessed with TikTok during our forced time out. Some of you have become obsessed with it but have yet to tell the world. It’s ok.
Event 6 – TikTok Video Submission
- Each team will submit ONE TikTok video.
- The topic or focus can be anything you choose.
- CrossFit-inspired stuff is cool, so is dancing, TigerKing…whatever
- All video submissions are due by Sunday at 8pm. You can email your submission to [email protected] – please title the email TIKTOK VIDEO – (team name)
- A panel of judges (none of whom are on any of the teams) will rank the videos from 1st place to 4th.
- The judging panel includes 1. One college graduate who really likes to dance and knows the lyrics to every song ever (b. 1999). 2. A producer who knows The Real World and the What is Fitness lecture with equal knowledge and wisdom. 3. A third person
Submission Guidance
- Make your video
- Post it to TikTok and share the link with us by Sunday at 8pm. If you don’t want to make it public, post it as private, download it, and send it to us prior to Sunday at 8am.
- After submitting your video we recommend that you delete the TikTok app so that you can have your life back;).
You can not save your video to your device unless you post it. If you want to save your video to your device as well as don’t want to post it, then you can post it by changing its visibility setting from public to private and then post it. It will then be available for download.