Max rep back squat in 3:00 minutes (225/145)
AMRAP dumbbell burpee pushpress (45/35)
Row 500/Run 400 for time

You’re Invited!
Mark you calendars for the Annual CrossFit Roots Anniversary Party and Family Picnic!
When: Friday, August 19th from 5:00-7:30
Where: Eben G. Fine Park
Why: To celebrate Roots’ 2 year anniversary and its awesome athletes
Who: Roots athletes and their families
How: Keep an eye on your email inbox for an Evite invitation due out early this week!
Fun times this morning! Thanks to everyone who came.
I missed last year’s party, and I’m very much looking forward to it this year! Just thought I’d mention though, they took out the grills at Eben G and I believe you have to have a permit as well as have the shelter rented in order to bring a gas grill. No charcoal. Just wanted to mention it in case anyone was hoping to grill…although I’m sure Nicole already knows all this. :))
And yes, that was fun this morning!