Each minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
This is part of your yearly benchmark series. Log your score!
May 2016
Congratulations to Abby Jacobs, the winner of the Roots Spring Challenge 2016! Abby chose the Zone Option and logged 54 of 54 days with an average score of 14.8 – only losing points for rest days! Throughout the course of the challenge, she became a prep ninja and plans to stick with the zone post challenge. She also achieved a ton of milestones in the gym including completing all of Murph in under 52 minutes! Abby, your hard work has paid off and you deserve the win!
Here’s some fun facts about Roots overall challenge performance over the past 8 weeks:
3049 Days Logged in SugarWod
34446 Total Points Earned
11 Points Average Per Day Logged
Average lbs lost – 4.8
Average % of Intake BW lost – 2.97
Average inches lost around the waist – 1.3
Hardest Points to get consistently – Alcohol/Sleep
Easiest Points to get consistently – Fruits & Veggies/Fish Oil
How did the challenge go for you? What is the biggest thing you will take away post challenge?