Mountain Sectionals Qualifier Workout #3

AMRAP 10 minutes:
6 squat cleans (155/95)
9 chest to bar pull-ups
12 box jumps 
Workout #3 from the Mountain Sectionals Qualifier


What exactly is going on in this picture? The Roots Crew lets loose at sectionals. KU Molly, this one was for you.

The Fall of the Logo Wall – March 2010

This weekend the logo wall came down and Roots gained 300 additional square feet of training space.  Funny to think that we started in a space smaller than that!  We have big plans for that space and an overall reconfiguration of Roots.

We’ve had an overwhelming number of people offer to lend a hand in the shop reconfiguration.  We accept!  We’ll keep you posted on the details for the Paint the Shop for Time Party.


Don't worry, we'll paint a new logo.


7 Responses
  1. Emily

    This was my favorite WOD of the weekend. Maybe I’ll come back in today and do it again. Just kidding! Suck it!

  2. Emily

    Karl-I’d rather come in and do today’s WOD again than do wall ball (unless I can use a 6lb ball)

    Stephanie-It is kind of weird:) You just want to show off your pull ups.