AMRAP 10 minutes:
6 squat cleans (155/95)
9 chest to bar pull-ups
12 box jumps
Workout #3 from the Mountain Sectionals Qualifier
The Fall of the Logo Wall – March 2010
This weekend the logo wall came down and Roots gained 300 additional square feet of training space. Funny to think that we started in a space smaller than that! We have big plans for that space and an overall reconfiguration of Roots.
We’ve had an overwhelming number of people offer to lend a hand in the shop reconfiguration. We accept! We’ll keep you posted on the details for the Paint the Shop for Time Party.
FYI – Squat cleans were 135# for guys (which was plenty enough 🙂
Having seen this one two days ago… Oh boy!
Have fun today kids! This is a good one! Keeping a steady and consistent pace is the key.
This was my favorite WOD of the weekend. Maybe I’ll come back in today and do it again. Just kidding! Suck it!
Emily – you could come in and do yesterday’s workout. I know how much you love the wall-ball…
Is it weird that I am going to come and do the WOD? I have to work tomorrow…
Karl-I’d rather come in and do today’s WOD again than do wall ball (unless I can use a 6lb ball)
Stephanie-It is kind of weird:) You just want to show off your pull ups.